As the year draws to a close, 20130509_083103_1we reflect upon the great year of golf we have had.


There are many outstanding achievements during the year. Probably the most impressive one is the incredible year HAN has had.020101_000000_import_002

From a barefoot stance a few years ago with a 14 index, he has risen to the top with a 9! He used to be even with Joe. Now he must spot Joe 3 strokes. How’s that for a great leap! No one could come close to his UPS lead for the year!

20120214_185139_We woke up a “sleeping giant”!

Could this merely be a coincidence? Take a look at this:


The guy who is always clamouring for “more strokes” in a Nassau and skins game is often “quietly” (that is an exaggeration) counting his winnings in most matches. He does not want to call attention to his scoring ability and often clings to his “I’m just lucky” expression, which of course, we all know as BS. Oh, we should reverse that and call him Mr. SB#1! In case you are wondering who that is, let me provide you a little reminder:

020101_000000_import_005Maybe it has something to do with the “hugs and kisses” he receives before going out to a game of golf:

100815_183158_importThere is another event that is worth mentioning in order to motivate the “guys singing the blues” to take lessons from Sean Foley (now that Tiger has fired him) or Hank Haney. The BLUES have now lost more than 3 times in a row in our RYDER CUP MATCH PLAY. Their new 2015 CAPTAIN DANNY, has his work cut out for him. He may have to do something about one of his players who plays like he sings (the blues):harry

harry-1Could 2015 be the year that he would soon “come out of the closet” – (now stop thinking like that!) – and live up to his King Kong potential?

Calvin and Hobbes Laughing(This is no laughing matter at all!)

Another significant event in the year is one that pertains to the loss of one of our members to Cebu Country Club…or is it the Pueblo…Riviera? The latest news is that he is now clamouring for dual citizenship – Philippines:


In a recent PAL INTERCLUB captain’s meeting, we are told that he had provided touring services to ED and others visiting Cagayan de Oro!

Is it true that he now owns a few condos in the Island? Condos as in buildings; not Durex! Although I am certain he must have a supply of those, too!

One thing we will surely miss in the new year is our participation in the interclub. The event has always been a lot of fun…a lot of food … entertainment…. and the IMG_0105IMG_0100spoils. Below is how HEE JEAW explains it.

There are a few issues about this. There was delay in announcing the event. What usually take place on the 1st Thursday of October was held more than a month later – November 13 – which is so close to the event itself. What this meant was that there was little time to plan. On a long (13 hour flight), it takes months to make sure of reserving flights at preferred rates.
EL KAPITAN did not receive the international (preferred) flight package for the event until the middle of December – which is way too late. Now a new directive to all Team Captains is that the venue has been changed from Cagayan to Cebu! Imagine the hotel and transport bookings that now have to be cancelled! Imagine scrambling for hotel reservations in Cebu this late in the game! So much for the GOLF EXCURSION!

IMG_0608But that does not mean that we have abandoned the idea of an exotic golf excursion somewhere. We are now working on our 2016 golf excursion. Announcements about this event will be made early in the year – before the summer 2015 golf start. PREPARE TO JOIN US!

I am sure you have other recollections for the year….SHARE THEM WITH US! You can easily do that by adding your comments below.

Finally, let me share with your our family Christmas Card below!





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